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What Is Security By Design?

What Is Security By Design?

When you are building a house, you know how important it is to have a solid foundation. After all, it is essential for the stability and longevity of the entire physical structure. Similarly, having a solid foundation is critical for software and the infrastructure it is deployed on. Just like you require the right materials, techniques, and plans to build a strong foundation for the house, cloud customers need right configurations, components and design techniques to ensure that their cloud environments are secure from the ground up. 

What is Security by Design?

Security by Design (SbD) is an approach where systems, products, and processes are designed to be foundationally secure. The idea is to treat security as an integral aspect, rather than an afterthought or a feature that is added later. By following the Secure by Design approach, organizations ensure that security measures are not merely tacked on but are deeply ingrained, creating a more resilient defense against threats. SbD includes the set of constructs and principles similar to the building codes the architects and engineers must follow when they design and construct, say for example a house.

What are the Components of Security by Design?

Security by Design is urgently needed in our increasingly digital world. By incorporating security from the initial design phase and throughout the product life cycle, organizations can better protect their data, assets, and reputation.

The security by Design approach involves:

1. Risk Assessment

Just as a builder must assess factors such as the soil, environmental conditions, and materials used to determine the appropriate foundation for a house, a thorough risk assessment is essential in SbD to understand the vulnerabilities and potential threats that the system may face. It helps in identifying the most critical security concerns and guides the design of security controls to address those risks.

2. Security Architecture Design

Similar to how a house's foundation provides structural support, the security architecture provides the structural framework for a secure system. This includes defining access controls, data encryption, network segmentation, and other security features. Security architecture design must take place at the initial stages of software development as it sets the groundwork for the entire system's security and guides the development process.

3. Continuous Monitoring for Drifts

For a house's foundation to be solid, it requires periodic inspections and maintenance. Similarly, continuous monitoring involves regularly checking for drifts in security controls and configurations to ensure that secure state is maintained and controls are still effective. It helps maintain the system's security, remediates drifts and damages, ensuring it remains resilient and robust against evolving threats.

Now that we know the essential components of Secure by Design, let’s talk about how they benefit cloud customers.

What are the Benefits of Security by Design?

SbD can be applied to various aspects of technology, especially cloud computing. By embracing Security by Design, cloud consumers get multiple benefits, such as:

1. Proactive Risk Mitigation

Security by Design encourages organizations to gather their experts and siloed teams to identify the threats and risks before the start of the development and deployment cycle. The process starts only after adequate planning takes place regarding the security of the cloud architecture. 

2. Compliance

By integrating security into the design and deployment of cloud services, organizations can easily meet compliance requirements and industry standards, which is essential for businesses in regulated industries.

3. Data Protection

Security by Design ensures that sensitive data is adequately protected from unauthorized access, data breaches, and data loss. This is especially crucial when dealing with sensitive customer or business data in the cloud.

4. Reduced Security Costs

Fixing security issues after the fact is typically more expensive and disruptive than preventing them during the design phase. Security by Design can lead to cost savings in the long run as it is an approach that emphasizes integrating security measures and considerations from the get-go.

As Frank Lloyd Wright put it “You can use an erasure on the drawing table or a sledgehammer on the construction site.”

5. Efficient

Security by Design brings operations and security teams together in one place, making teamwork smoother. It saves time by getting rid of manual errors and time-consuming tasks, helping everyone focus on what they do best. This smart approach keeps things secure while making work easier and more efficient for everyone involved.

Security by Design is not just a buzzword. It represents a paradigm shift in how we approach cybersecurity, emphasizing proactive measures, comprehensive security, and a commitment to safeguarding every aspect of a digital ecosystem. 

While Infrastructure Security as Code and similar approaches have their place in automating and managing infrastructure, they often fall short in addressing the full spectrum of security concerns. As cyber threats continue to evolve and regulatory requirements become more stringent, Security by Design stands out as the gold standard for building resilient, secure, and trustworthy digital products and services.

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