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Day Zero Security and Governance for AI and Cloud Infrastructure

Use Invigrid Intelligent Cloud to build secure well-architected cloud day zero, fast & easy. Empower your developers  & operations teams to focus on innovation without having to worry about security, compliance and cost. Accelerate AI and non AI cloud provisioning with secure by design hyperautomation. 


Security and Governance needs expertise

And automation that bakes security, compliance and governance


A unified, end-to-end platform for architects, developers,
security and operations leaders


Overcome the Cloud Security Challenges of Today for

a Safer, Secure, and Successful Tomorrow

Invi Grid empowers and enabled cloud provisioning with security built-in.

Invi Grid frees developers from undifferentiated, mundane cloud provisioning tasks and enables them to focus on innovation.

Invi Grid automates security policy incorporation and enforcement so developers don’t have to worry about compliance.


When you say YES to

InviGrid Intelligent Cloud™Security by Design, you say NO to: 

  • Paying 100x more to fix and remediate issues that could have been avoided.

  • Spending expensive expert resources' time in mundane undifferentiated tasks.

  • Weeks and months on end to provision infrastructure and deploy your applications, software, and products to the cloud.

  • Prolonging the time required to go to market.

  • Increasing the chances of developing an insecure infrastructure, leading to high breach risk.

  • Manual, error prone cloud configuration processes.


Rethink Your CloudOps Workflow with IGiCloud™

Use Invi Grid Platform for Cloud Deployment and Security Posture,

so you can focus on your business growth

Ship your products to the market fast,  start generating revenue and keep business agile.

Reduce breach risk and expensive, time consuming, remediations

Free your developers from mundane error prone cloudinfraops tasks.


Go from being a Cloud Dinosaur to a Cloud Cheetah


Invi Grid Intelligent Cloud

Remove barriers to rapid cloud adoption with
decision intelligence and hyper automation


The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Agency

Agency initiative in April 2023. 
Invi Grid has been a visionary,
leading this space since 2021 !

Story behind the name Invi Grid

"Invi" is short for the English word “invigorate” and the Sanskrit word “invati” that means to infuse strength.
We infuse strength to your cloud operations and security cycles!

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Invi Grid: Redefining Cloud Security with Intelligent Automation

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Invi Grid featured as cutting edge cyber security innovation!


Invi Grid Founder dubbed as a Cloud Infrastructure Security Pundit

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